The Nuvoic Project – looking back
Between May 2020 and April 2023 the Karten Network was a partner in the Nuvoic Project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. Led by developers Voiceitt, the aim of Nuvoic was to develop speech recognition technology for people with impaired or non-standard speech, supporting their communication and independence. The Karten Network led on user involvement, helping our participants to:
- try out Voiceitt’s speech recognition apps and share feedback with developers on worked well and what could be improved
- donate speech recordings to help Voiceitt’s technology work better for people with atypical speech.
Nuvoic by numbers
We’ve had incredible support from participants!
- 102 participants took part, individually or through one of 33 partner organisations across the UK and Ireland
- 78 people tested Voiceitt’s original app, sharing feedback on how to make the app better and easier to use
- 49 people donated recordings of their speech – over 32,000 recordings so far and counting!
- 23 contributed videos, quotes or photos to tell people about the project
- 8 so far are testing Voiceitt’s new dictation app
We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who took part themselves or supported someone to take part, including teams in our fantastic partner organisations. The video below shows many of our participants in action!
‘Highlights from the Nuvoic Project’ text description
This is a slideshow video featuring photos of many of our project participants and some of our project team. Some show participants using the Voiceitt app to communicate or control smart home technology, others show them taking part in interviews and some feature people on their support teams supporting them to take part. There’s no dialogue. A slide at the beginning offers huge thanks to everyone who took part, and a slide at the end shows logos of all the local organisations who supported participants.
Partner organisations
We had fantastic support from partner organisations across the UK and Ireland, with local teams supporting participants to get involved in testing, feedback and voice sampling. Many thanks to all of you!

Feedback and future opportunities
Huge thanks to all our participants, their family members and support teams who have taken part in Nuvoic. We’d love to hear what you thought of the project, please use our feedback form to tell us about your experiences, and to let us know if you’d like to be involved in future projects with the Karten Network.